Blocked on Twitter: A few thoughts on the “Anonymous host” of Casefile

casey This week I discovered I had been blocked on Twitter from accessing any tweets from @case_file and @casefilehost – the handles for popular crime podcast Casefile.

Fans of this blog may recall I wrote a now deleted post a few months back revealing the identity of the show’s anonymous host.

What followed was frantic messaging via Twitter from the “anonymous host” asking me to remove the post as revealing his identity would comprise the show and could bring about its early end.

This I agreed to do in modest exchange for an interview (anonymously) with “Brad” (He revealed his name in a 2016 interview with Rolling Stone magazine).

I took down my original post as he had asked, emailed him some interesting questions – but no responses were forthcoming.

Instead a rather blunt email followed over a week later suggesting that my follow-up post (which did not reveal his identity) was also not to his liking and when I declined to acquiesce to his demands to change it, our correspondence ended.


A short while later, he blocked me on Twitter, meaning I cannot view any Casefile tweets or interact with him – though I can still download his show.

I have also discovered that ‘Brad’ had removed all photos on social media of himself and other bits of identifiable information scattered on the internet in clear efforts to protect his anonymity.(That said, he can still be easily found if you know where to look).

(For top tips on how to work out his identity for yourself, read my follow-up blog here).

Clearly, ‘Brad’ is very keen to remain anonymous and – for reasons that no one appears to know, but many are curious about ( I get emails every week) – shuns the quasi celebrity status that other successful podcasters have enjoyed.

It of course begs the question, why? What does he have to hide?

With no responses to my questions from Brad, all I can do for now (until the mystery is inevitably solved) is speculate on plausible explanation for his overt shyness.

Perhaps the host of Casefile is a former or current police or law enforcement officer? Or perhaps he has served in the army or worked for one of those secretive government agencies?

Is it too fanciful to suggest that maybe he has some dark and dastardly secrets of his own?

The other possibility I think is that being anonymous protects him to a degree from being sued or attacked personally.

This I pondered after finding out that one Casefile episode, case 55 – the unsolved 2005 murder of Perth backpacker Simone Strobel – is no longer downloadable anywhere.


So why has it disappeared? Has someone complained?

In our exchanges the Casefile host said there was nothing “sinister” about his anonymity, but equally his other explanations (told in many online interviews) that he wants to stay out of the way of the story do not ring true.

I also wonder how ‘Brad’ feels at retelling these crimes in all their graphic detail, where the victims (some of whom are still alive) are not afforded the luxury of anonymity…while he so jealously guards his.

40 thoughts on “Blocked on Twitter: A few thoughts on the “Anonymous host” of Casefile

  1. Hey Mate, I respect you still not outting him despite all this, do you have any suggestions as to where to start looking?


    1. He did out him though. And only took it down after pretty much blackmailing the host. And is now whining because the host doesn’t want to be in any contact with him. Not exactly respectable behavior.


  2. Seriously? What is wrong with you? What on earth did you have to gain from identifying him, when he did not wish to be identified – except possibly risking the end of a podcast that hundreds of thousands enjoy.

    This whole episode comes across as spiteful, unnecessary and wholly ignorant of the generally-recognised ethics and morals of investigative journalism.

    If you’ve got the time, as you clearly do, investigate something worthwhile?! In the public interest? Do some good? Uncover some wrongdoing? Uncover something that has a POINT to uncovering?

    Your insistent argument that other podcast hosts aren’t anonymous so you have a right to reveal this guy’s identity is laughably nonsensical. Did it occur to you that maybe that’s why people like Casefile? That it’s not about the individual? Lots of columnists are anonymous; and lots aren’t. Does that mean we should forcibly reveal the identities of those that are? Maaaate. You ain’t no journalist. 😂

    You’ve framed yourself as completely vindictive and short-sighted.


    1. Thanks for the comment Ellena though I respectfully completely disagree with your point of view. Just to clarify one thing: this is a personal interest blog not a public interest blog.


  3. The amount of entitlement in this whole piece is astounding. The man wants to remain anonymous, you completely ignored that wish, pretty much blackmailed him when you asked him to take it down and now you’re surprised that he doesn’t want to have anything to do with you?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Casual curiosity doesn’t trump his right to privacy. This whole mess doesn’t benefit anyone and is pretty much just you harassing someone that just wants some basic privacy.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, okay, so you have no respect at all for a person’s right to privacy. He has stated many times he wants to remain anonymous. The reason why is none of your business, frankly. So instead of respecting someone’s very reasonable boundaries, you chose to violate them, for seemingly no reason beyond personal gain. For what – clicks? What makes you think you’re entitled to his identity?

    Again: You maliciously, intentionally violated a person’s boundaries and disrupted someone’s private life. I hope you can’t sleep at night.

    I love Casefile *because* it’s anonymous. There’s no ego at play.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am not sure what is more pathetic: that you would go out of your way to reveal the identify of someone who has specifically asked to remain anonymous, when it has no actual relevance to what he does. Or that when he blocks you on Twitter, which he has the absolute right to do, you treat it as a personal insult and try to play the victim?
    Why should it matter to you if he wants to be anonymous? Not everyone craves personal attention (as you appear to) what is to be gained from outing him?
    Perhaps you could put your investigative interests towards something more substantial and relevant, like creating something worthwhile of your own, rather than doxxing someone out of spite.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I don’t understand why the Casefile host won’t reveal himself. If he was not anonymous it would make no difference to the podcast whatsoever. All the podcast is is someone reading from a script. Anyone can do that.

    I’m not sure why the podcast is so popular anyway. Its production value is very poor and there is way too much mundane detail in each episode.

    I listen to a lot of podcasts and I can think of 20 other podcasts that are more interesting.

    I agree with the author of this blog – what does the host of Casefile have to gain by remaining anonymous? What’s he so scared of?


  7. Wow, that’s a lot of words to justify your narcissistic insistence on outing a guy who wants to remain anonymous.

    Maybe take a step back and honestly reevaluate your motives, here.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. By complete chance I researched Casefile today, having no real affinity to it.
    I just wanted to say that most of the comments have better articulated how these articles came across (in my opinion).
    But I would also like to applaud you for the replies you have given people. It’s rare to see such a polite and modest response these days.
    Anyway, best of luck.


  9. I too noticed that the Simone Strobel episode was unavailable. Simone died in the east coast of Oz while she was on holiday from Europe with her boyfriend, who now lives in Perth, WA on the west coast of Oz. I reckon the episode was pulled because police still want to bring a legal case against the boyfriend, so the case might now be sub judice. Or the boyfriend has legally lobbied for the episode to be removed.

    I’m glad you removed your identification of him. I don’t want to learn who he is through an outing, especially at the cost of his livelihood. Just because you *can* do something, like out someone, doesn’t mean you should…


  10. I went on this blog with interest in finding out who this anonymous podcaster actually is. I learned Though I really don’t want to know. Putting a face to it would only have me picturing a face in a studio talking into a microphone with a stack of notes and a Red Bull with an ashtray full of butts. I prefer the mystery thanks for changing my mind everybody.!!


  11. I think many of you are being a bit hard on our author. The nature of Casefile appeals to people like us who are fascinated by mystery and “whodunnit?” It’s natural for listeners to want to solve this anonymity mystery.

    I also find it odd that if being outed would be so disasterous for this guy, then why make it so easy to do? Additionally, if he didn’t want anyone investigating him, he could have easily used a pseudonym. “Anonymous” just begs for attention.

    Finally, I notice that no one has commented on the author’s final paragraph. Is that because he makes a compelling point?

    No need to rehash anything that’s been said—I get it. I just wanted to say, give him a break.



  12. I think many of you are being a bit hard on our author. The nature of Casefile appeals to people like us who are fascinated by mystery and “whodunnit?” It’s natural for listeners to want to solve this anonymity mystery.

    I also find it odd that if being outed would be so disasterous for this guy, then why make it so easy to do? Additionally, if he didn’t want anyone investigating him, he could have easily used a pseudonym. “Anonymous” just begs for attention, which I have to believe is not an accident.

    Finally, I notice that no one has commented on the author’s final paragraph. Is that because he makes a compelling point?

    No need to rehash anything that’s been said—I get it. I just wanted to say, give him a break.



    1. Thanks David. I share your point of view on the host’s anonymity. However, happy to generate debate and cop some flack. It really doesn’t bother me. It’s amazing how passionate some people are about such things. Possibly they are friends/family of the host.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. As a huge fan of this podcast I implore you to not pursue his identity any more. He has a right to anonymity no matter the reason. It’s basic compassion and moral thinking to not try to out him. That being said I think the vast majority of fans appreciate that you took the original “outing” article down. Thanks for that, but I don’t want anything to put the future of the podcast in jeopardy and I respect the host for what he does.


  14. I think “Brad” hides his identity because he’s actually not Australian. He’s of U.S. origin and it’s a phony accent.


  15. What I can gather from you writing here is that you come from a genuinely caring place and from the open curiosity afforded to someone who hasn’t been tarnished by trying to seek and explore the truth.

    That’s the issue here. Is sometimes bringing darkness into the light, even if you’re just the messenger. That can make you a target. Most journalism is restricted (Weinstein) until it can be published with good timing (Weinstein again).

    What I’m saying is there are very real dark forces that have a lot of money. The best way to protect yourself is to remain anonymous. You aren’t outing for any other reason than pure curiosity. And we don’t really need to know who the host is.


  16. My entire job is investigating entities (trusts and proprietary companies), as well as the people who direct them. ASIC is a tool I use every day, so I think the pearl-clutching from other readers is unwarranted. They may be horrified to know the detail contained in some of these reports: home addresses, birth addresses and dates. You can find out quite a lot from a quick search and a bit of cash. If the host were that concerned, he may have decided to pick a far less conspicuous company name to register – making it more difficult to search without knowing what it may be e.g. CTC Pty Ltd, BTC PC Pty Ltd or 1AU CF Pty Ltd.

    I found an additional ABN registered to the host personally, just as easily.

    Yes, it’s unfortunate that this has been uncovered and published, but freshlyworded hasn’t really “sleuthed”, this is basic Googling. We know he’s Australian, therefore likely registered the podcast as a company for tax purposes since the show derives revenue from its operations, naturally one might be curious to see if there is an entry that correlates to the show name.
    He provided his first name – which I am NOT suggesting is an invitation – however, it corroborates information that can be found on these publicly available documents that are lodged with our regulatory bodies. It does not take much to find people online, even if you only provide a first name – it’s can be a starting point, or verify information you already know.

    I won’t comment on the morals of providing a “step-by-step guide” to finding the host’s identity.


  17. This is absolute filth. You are the reason we hate journalists, you fucking vulture. I wish you lived in Russia so Putin could do what is deserved to you.


  18. Leave the guy alone. Maybe his career would be affected by his identity being leaked ever think of that? As much as you would for it to be sinister I’m sure.


  19. I have been listening to the Anonymous Host of Casefile from the very beginning and through all episodes, eventually developing a feeling of familiarity. This is the best of the many true crime type podcasts, and there are a lot of them, some even nearly as good. It wouldn’t be the same without his very specific voice, pronunciation and respectful style.
    I would be interested in the A. Host’s person, because during these years I’ve got an “exact image” of him – and I’d be extremely curious to confront the imaginary with the real features (even the set of his teeth is visualized). Until then I hope my guesses match him, at least partly and… I bet it would either amuse or amaze him!


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